Our first week back after the half-term has been an exciting one!
We have dived into our new book for English, this term we are looking at the story: Rapunzel. We started the week off with making predictions about what we thought the book could be about based on clues. We later read the book and took part in role play to retell the story. Then, started to gather ideas about the character.
Miss Clarke and Miss Donnelly were super impressed with the children’s homework on creating their own rosary beads. The creativity has been OUT OF THIS WORLD! With lots of different materials and ideas used such as cross stitching, lego, different materials, beads, playdough and some creative art work as well. We also saw some children bring in real rosary beads which have come from all over the world and are very special to them and their families. Thank you for your effort, it was truly incredible to see the wonderful projects!
In maths, we recapped addition problems and begun looking at subtraction. In one of our lessons we used tens frames and playdough. For instance, 10 – 3, we rolled 10 small balls of playdough and ‘smashed’ 3 of them, then we counted how many were left. A great activity to work on subtraction but also funky fingers!
In Science, we explored four of the senses in relation to our ‘Who am I’ topic. We closed our eyes and used our sense of touch to feel the different materials and textures. Then, we moved on to taste! We all tried food items such as: oranges, lemons, crisps and carrots! Some children preferred the lemons and it made for capturing some great facial expressions! The children came up with some great words and ideas for what they thought the foods tasted like. We then, used our sense of smell, we smelt 4 different jars and were very close with our guesses! We smelt: coffee, a rhubard diffuser, strawberries and milk chocolate buttons!
We also had an environmental session with Ms Sophia, our next topic in Science is: Plants. This was a perfect opportunity to begin discussing the different parts of a plant and what plants need to survive such as: water, light and nutrients. Ms Sophia also gave us daffodils to take home and care for, we look forward to watching them grow!