An exciting week at St Joseph’s!
We began our week with our Liturgy of the Word in both classes. It was a time for us to come together with our friends, family and school staff to start our day and week with a beautiful service. The children were amazing, they read and sang beautifully too. Before the Liturgy, we wrote prayers and created paper chains then, during the service our parents did the same and we joined these together. Thank you to all of those who joined us for a special morning.
We also had the launch of the Pilgrims of Hope Jubilee Year! This saw us attend mass as a year group for the first time. The children sat beautifully, sang wonderfully and were to a credit to the school. We heard our new school song too which was a special moment!
We have also taken part in lots of activities with the Pilgrim of Hope being at the forefront. We created posters of hope and discussed what this means to us and what we think hope looks like. We decorated footprints, as a sign of hope and also got stuck into some art work to depict the journey of hope.
We thought about what we hope for the year ahead, we wrote these down and placed them in our jar of hope. We will revisit these hopes at the end of the year.
We also visited our school chapel, we prayed together and acknowledged the magnificent model of the Pilgrim of Hope Logo which has been brought to life by the handy work of Mrs Suliga and lots of other members of staff! We were extremely impressed with the life size model and enjoyed spending time in small groups visiting the chapel.
Lots of firsts this week for Year 1, the children should be proud of all their efforts, well done!!