We had our lovely parents join us for one of our Religion lessons this week and we discussed how light helps people see and feel safe. We shared who might be the light in all our lives but also what we can do to be a light in other people’s lives. We know Jesus is like a bright light that helps us find our way, and we can be like that light by helping others and sharing kindness. We then made our own candles to represent a light in our lives.
In English, we have been writing our stories based on the book: The Secret of Black Rock. We first, participated in role play to show the different events from the book, we planned our ideas and then wrote an introduction, middle and an end. The children’s stories have really come on since September, with capital letters, finger spaces, full stops, handwriting and the content developing including interesting adjectives and nouns!
In Maths, we used the mathematical symbols: < less than, > more than and = equals, to compare different numbers within 20. We worked together in partners to sort two groups with our resources and then used our symbols to compare the numbers. After some exploration with comparing numbers, we then progressed on to ordering numbers within 20 in ascending order from smallest to biggest.
We also started exploring addition and subtraction up to 20. We have used a range of manipulatives to explore addition and look forward to developing this further!
Lastly, we were treated to a gymnastic performance from children in years 3, 4, 5 and 6. The children were AMAZING and blew us away with their incredible gymnastic skills and techniques. It has definietly inspired some of us in Year 1! Well done to all involved and Mr Grant for organising a fantastic performance!