It’s been a busy yet thrilling week in Year 1! We’ve been exploring the book ‘Major Glad, Major Dizzy’ and engaging in role play to grasp the key elements of the story. This has set the stage for us to start planning our own stories. We have begun to write the first part of our story including characters with adjectives and our key word from last week ‘AND’ to connect sentences together.
In maths, we took our lessons outdoors to the playground, using hula hoops and various equipment to help us grasp the part-whole model while adding different parts together. We then developed this, including number sentences and made some of our own.
In Religion, we’ve been focusing on the Our Father prayer, using actions to reflect on its phrases and comprehend the meanings behind the words we say when saying the prayer.
In Science, we have been exploring different body parts, this week our focus was on the eyes! We came up with different facts about our eyes such as:
‘Our eyes are oval shapes’
‘Our eyes have eyelashes that protect our eyes’
‘All eyes are different’
‘We have pupils and an iris’
We also ended our week with a very exciting workshop! Three Discovery came to join us and we developed our skills on the iPad! We used text, pictures and emjois to create a poster all about us! We had a lot of fun creating them with our friends and very proud of the final outcome. Thank you to Three Discovery for a wonderful workshop!