A huge congratulations to Orange Class who won the attendance trophy for last week! We had 100% attendance for the whole week and enjoyed having the trophy in our classroom presented by Ms Blake! Well done everyone and let’s try again!
We have been exploring numbers up to 50 this week in Maths. We have been using base 10 and the part-whole model to explore numbers. We progressed this further by identifying numbers up to 50 on a number line.
We also had our Celebration of the Word, this week’s story was when Jesus told a story about a man who was looking for a beautiful and precious pearl. When he found it, he sold everything he had to buy the pearl because it was so special and valuable. Jesus tells us that the Kingdom of God is like this precious pearl. It is so valuable that we should be willing to do anything to be close to God. We then reflected on ways we can feel close to God or something that makes us feel loved by Him.