Welcome back Indigo and Tanzanite Class!!
We have been so proud of how the children have settled back into school with their new teachers, Mr Javed and Mr Hannigan. The children have been really enthusiastic to make a start on their new topics and have really impressed us with the work they have produced already. We hope you keep it up for the rest of the year!
This week we have been revising place value in maths, exploring numbers up to 100, 000. In English, we watched videos of Tim Peake’s space launch before writing a description using ambitious vocabulary. We will be continuing to stretch our vocabulary using thesaurus’ to up-level our writing.
The children have particularly enjoyed being introduced to our new topics through art activities. For our Science topic – Earth and Space, we have drawn our own astronauts and taken inspiration from the artist Peter Thorpe to create our space inspired pictures using pastels. In History, we will be learning about the Anglo-Saxons. We have been designing and creating our own Anglo-Saxon armour based on images of artefacts.
We can’t wait for the rest of the year!