Wow! What an amazing first week back Year 2 have had! In RE, they made some artwork linked to our school mission statement – ‘We love, learn and grow with God at the centre!’ and also considered why our school prayer is special. In Maths, the children started the week by recapping numbers to 20 before moving onto representing numbers to 100 later in the week. They also started their Geography topic work on ‘Food Journeys’. In their first lesson, children identified a range of fresh, frozen and fast-food that can be found locally on our high street. The children also started their first Science topic – ‘Healthy Me’. They were introduced to range of new vocabulary and considered ways in which we can all look after our bodies to stay fit and healthy. Your new teachers were very impressed and hope that the fantastic work continues throughout the rest of the year!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mr. Drumm and Miss Stokes