Welcome back to another exciting term! We hope you had a restful, holy and very happy Christmas break and are now all set for the many fun and interesting learning opportunities ahead of us. We have settled right back into our hard work. In Maths we have been practising our counting and number skills. We can now count to and back from 100 from any given number! In SPAG, we have been learning about the suffix -ed and how we can use it to write verbs in the past tense. As well as this we have been making a start on our new Topic – Poles Apart. We discussed what we already know about the polar regions and what we would like to find out.
As we start a new year, we thought it was only right to make our promises for the term ahead. Here is what we have come up with:
Orange Class promises to always seek a challenge.
Amber Class promises to be resilient when faced with a challenge.
We are sure we will succeed with these characteristics throughout our learning!