Wow, what a wonderful start to the year we have all had in Year 4. Mr Charles and Miss Slattery have been very impressed with the conscientious start to the school year from all pupils in Sapphire and Blue class. Here’s a short picture of our short week…
Meet our new friends, the place value robots, they will teach you all about your 4-digit numbers.
Mr Charles has had a brilliant week meeting the new Sapphire class, and is looking forward to meeting all their parents at our ‘Meet the parent’ meeting in the KS2 Hall at 8:45am this Thursday.
Miss Slattery has had lots of fun getting to know the new Blue class this week, and just wants to remind parents to bring in any spare cardboard next week ready for our Roman shield making.
It has been a very busy few days: discussing rights and responsibilities, writing letters about our summer, creating our own poems about summer, learning all about place value in Maths, starting our new Science topic on animals and their habitats, and discussing what we want to learn about the Romans this half term….
…we even had time to do our first #dailymile of the new school year!
Dates for your diary:
Wednesday- Roald Dahl dress-up day.
Thursday- Meet the teacher in the KS2 Hall at 8:45am.