This week in Year 2 we started our new topic ‘Pioneers’. We began by using our IT skills to research pioneers of our choice. We discovered lots of information about them and their achievements. Some of the pioneers we chose to research included:
Florence Nightingale
Emmeline Pankhurst
Martin Luther King
Amelia Earhart
Also this week, Diamond Class had their Liturgy of the Word. Fr. Pat led the service which focused on remembrance. We remembered and prayed for all those who are no longer with us.
On Wednesday afternoon we had the opportunity to go and watch Year 4’s dress rehearsal of their Terrible Tudors assembly. We loved learning about the Tudors and really enjoyed all of the songs. Thank you Blue Class!
On Thursday we had a special financial literacy session which was delivered by staff from Lloyds Bank. They spoke to us about how to look after money and about the things that we need and the things that we want. We then played a game in small groups where we were able to purchase different items with a set budget. We had to think carefully about what we would spend our money on. This helped us to understand the difference between necessities and luxuries.