This week has been a wonderful chance for friends in Ruby and Red class to catch up and share stories and experiences. We have talked about how things have changed and how we miss our friends at home. However, when we come back together, we laugh, sing, dance and share together and realise that we are all still the same in our hearts. Could this be the same on the outside? We talked about our similarities and differences, where we come from, our skin, eye and hair colour and we wondered together if any of this made us so different when all of the important things in life we share. We created our own character who could look different but be the same as us in some way. As the children were given a limited selection of resources it forced them to challenge their thinking and ask questions such as can a boy have long eye lashes and pink hair? Our conclusion was that even though we are all different and like different things in our hearts we all want to share and be happy. Her are some examples of the amazing observations they made:
“I like gold.” Rhys. “I like rainbow, but we play together all the time!” Daniel.
“This is my mummy, she has dark hair but it doesn’t matter because your family can have different colour hair, orange or pink.” Sofia