In English, the children have been developing their persuasive writing skills – apologies to all parents if your child suddenly becomes very good at winning an argument. The children produced excellent examples of persuasive writing in their homework this week with their very own adverts before planning their very own leaflet to persuade people to come to our Christmas Fair.
In Religion, the children have been studying the Sacraments of Initiation. This week, they looked at Baptism and Confirmation and what they mean to Catholics. We looked at the words, actions and symbols of both sacraments and considered how they are similar to one another and how they are linked. This led us onto to looking at the Jewish tradition of Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah and how they help to welcome the younger members of their congregation.
In Current Affairs, the children examined the effects of Internet addiction. It was Mental Health Awareness Week, and the links between too much screen time and depression has been made for many years. The children were honest about how much time they spent online and using games consoles and were just as honest about how they could reduce this time. They produced posters and booklets via (ironically) an iPad app called ‘Book Creator’.
A big thank you to those who attended our SATs and Isle of Wight information talk. We covered the ins and outs of the exams and how you can help your child at home as well as a run through of the big trip of the year.