It has been an extremely productive first week back in Year 4 this week – the children have been working very hard!
We began our new writing unit on informative texts, identifying the importance of having factual information about a specific topic. This will soon be linked to our history topic on the Tudors – watch this space for amazing work in the coming weeks! In Maths, we have continued to work with decimals, with the children adding decimals with increased confidence and making links to fractions.
This week in Science, the children used their creative minds to make their own telephones! Using available resources, we worked in pairs to see how objects could be used to enhance sounds. As you can see from the images, the children collaborated brilliantly and learned a lot about how sound travels through the air and reaches our ears.
We want to express our appreciation to the children for all of their hard work this week. Special mention to our Stars of the Week:
Blue – Yzabelle and George
Sapphire – Daniel and Flora