We hope you all had a wonderful Easter Break and are refreshed for a busy term ahead.
This week we began our new topic ‘Get Set Grow’. We are focusing on growing plants and flowers and we have created our very own florist and greengrocers in the central area. The children will have lots of opportunities to role play with their friends and recreate experiences. It would be lovely if you could visit a florist, garden centre and or greengrocers and take some pictures of your children engaging in these experiences. We would love to see these photos uploaded onto tapestry for us to print out and use in our role play areas. Our key text will be ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. Next week, we will even plant our own runner beans.
We have our singing phonics sessions coming up in a few weeks, so if you have not yet signed up please do so. It will be a wonderful opportunity to see the children learning phonics in preparation for Reception.
Finally, you should have all received the costume letter regards our Nursery rhyme concert. If you are unsure of what you need, please see a member of the team. The Nursery Rhyme Concert will be held in the Key Stage 1 Hall at 9.30am on Thursday 25th May. We look forward to seeing you all there.