We have had a busy week of learning in Reception and ended the week by celebrating the Royal Wedding. Everyone made a great effort dressing up as a Prince or a Princess, or as a wedding guest. Reception enjoyed eating their lunch outside and especially enjoyed ending their day with a Royal street party in the sunshine. Thank you to everyone who donated treats for our party.
In Reception this week we had our writing workshops. We continued with our key text ‘The Jolly Postman’ and wrote sentences to describe the Jolly Postman using adjectives. Thank you to all the parents who came to the workshops as the children enjoyed sharing their fantastic writing with you. In Maths this week we have been consolidating our understanding of number. We have been finding one more and one less than a number through playing maths games.
This week Reception have greatly enjoyed receiving your letters in the post. They have each been read to the class and we cannot wait to receive more next week!