This week, Reception have been exploring the book It’s Your World Now! Every day, we’ve been thinking of ways to make the world a better place. On Thursday, we put our Phase 2 and Phase 3 sounds to good use by writing about how we can help our amazing Earth!
In Maths, we’ve been learning all about doubling, focusing on numbers up to 5. To master this skill, we explored doubling in lots of fun and creative ways! First, we used playdough to match the dots on a butterfly’s wings. Then, we used mirrors to reflect pieces of Numicon, helping us really see what doubling means.
But the most exciting thing to happen in Reception this week was… we rescued a frog! A little frog had lost its way from the pond to our water area. We carefully picked it up, placed it in a bucket of water, and then released it safely back into the pond. The next day, we took a trip to the pond to check if our little friend had settled back in – and we were amazed to see just how many frogs were there!
It was a magical experience to discover the incredible nature right in our playground – we are SO lucky!