What a week in Reception! The children have made the most the dry weather and enjoyed using our large astroturf area for running, rolling, football and more!
We have been learning about our mental health and what we can do to keep our minds healthy. The children took part in yoga and mindfulness activities. We talked about how much we have grown since Nursery and what we can do this year that we couldn’t do last year.
“In Nursery I couldn’t hop. Now I can!” Florence
“I can run really fast now!” Malachi
“In my Nursery I didn’t know all of the letter sounds. I know digraphs now.” Zach
As part of our Caritas in Action day, Reception discussed what makes them happy and why they think God wants us to be happy.
“Sharing makes me happy.” Amber
“Playing with my friends makes me happy.” Caragh
Wishing you all a happy and wonderful half term.
Miss Abbott and Miss Pullenger