This week in Reception, we’ve been incredibly busy! Our focus has been on the text Look Up!, which sparked our imaginations as we thought about what it would be like to look at the sky through a telescope. The children created amazing pictures and used their phonics skills to write about the things they could see!
Blob, the alien, brought us some special rocks to explore. Together, we discussed their textures, sizes, and the colours we observed. It was amazing to hear all the descriptive language being used. One child said “The rock is so smooth and black but the grey one is bumpy and dull.”
In maths, we’ve been working on the concept of ‘1 more.’ The children have been putting their skills to the test, using building blocks to visually represent what adding one more looks like using the staircase method.
Two children lead out Prayer and Liturgy service in class with a focus on friendship and showing kindness. They gave the class the mission of spending time with someone who you do not normally play with. They explained this “We are going to play with other children so we all have more friends in our class.”