Pearl Class have clearly developed some amazing physical skills throughout the year. On Tuesday we had a wonderful opportunity to showcase our sporting talent, when we all participated in our very own Sports Day. This was held in the big sports hall at St Aloysius College and led by Mr. Grant. We took part in a wide range of different races and all did a spectacular job.
Our parents and teachers cheered for us, we all did our very best and had a fabulous time. Our adults were so proud of how courageously we had a go at even very tricky races; such as the ‘egg-and-spoon’ race and the ‘3-legged race’. At the end the mums and dads had their own special race! They were most impressive!
The children have been learning about Italy this week. Some of us have family from Italy, and we have enjoyed sharing photos and souvenirs from the famous places there.
We have also discovered that some of their favourite foods originate from there! We read our key text, ‘Pete’s a pizza’ and created exciting pizzas from collage and playdough, as well as tasty edible ones. We investigated Italian herbs and even used pizza toppings in our maths learning.
As part of our ‘Switched-on Science’ learning we have been talking about dough. We have been investigating and predicting what would happen if we added different things to dough; as well as what happens if we leave, heat or cook it in different ways. We investigated how yeast and kneading help the pizza dough to rise, and we talked about the changes that we saw, smelled and tasted! On Friday we were lucky enough to have Bianca’s mum visit to talk to us about Italy and Italian food. She brought in some Italian food and we learnt there were so many different shapes of pasta!
We also had a wonderful workshop with Sophia, our gardening teacher. This time the focus was on harvesting. We looked for raspberries and redcurrants that were ripe for picking, and also had enormous fun digging up some potatoes that had been growing. We were excited to taste or take home what we found.