To enhance our ‘Adventures under the Sea’ learning, Pearl Class went on an epic trip to the Sealife London Aquarium on Tuesday. It was certainly an adventurous journey! We travelled on the underground, went on escalators and all did a fantastic job of listening to instructions on the way.
We walked to the South Bank and saw the River Thames, as well as Big Ben across the water.
Once inside we were keen to see our favourites. Sharks were extremely popular, and we spotted ‘Miss Skate’ from ‘Tiddler’ (this week’s story). We were very impressed how many different types of animals there were.
We were super excited by some virtual reality polar bears! We were even allowed to feel some shark eggs and got very close to some penguins!
We stayed a little further back from the crocodile just in case he was hungry!
We were mesmerised by the jellyfish, but it was time to start heading back to school. We all came back on the underground – happy and tired after such a busy day.