Nursery are super-excited about their theme: ‘Superheroes’! We made up our own superhero stories on the small world table, and took part in Superhero-themed fine motor activities. We learnt superhero number songs and superhero dances.
This week Nursery investigated what a superhero might do, and in particular what it might need. We started to think about costumes we could make. Our key text was ‘Super Daisy’, and we decided to make our own superhero headdresses inspired by the one Daisy had. We found the initial letter of our name, and used a range of collage materials to make them really special.
We then needed to make some masks, and did a great job of practising all the skills involved in making them. Our new costumes really helped to make our superhero role play come alive!
One afternoon we arrived back in class to find an evil villain had messed up our classroom! Super Daisy gave us a special mission: sort out the mess and put everything back in the right box! We learned how we can be real superheroes by looking after our environment. We even got special stickers from Super Daisy for those completing the mission successfully. Super work, Nursery!