Nursery have been learning about a range of special days this week. On Monday we shared our experiences of Bonfire night and made a range of firework-related art pieces to express what we saw and heard. We have just begun our key text: ‘Happy Birthday Maisy’. The children started by talking about the main character and we recorded their ideas about Maisy the mouse. Some drew where they thought she lived and made duplo constructions of her home.
In maths we compared 2 plates of party food, by using words such as ‘same’, ‘more’ or ‘fewer’. We also had a go at making it fair by giving them the same.
In R.E we talked about baptism. We shared our own baptism photos and acted out baptisms of our own with our class babies.
At the end of the week we learnt about Remembrance day. To remember heroes and the people who have helped us we observed a two minute silence and said a prayer. We then made poppies from playdough and collage materials.