This week in Nursery we have been super busy. On Tuesday it was Safer Internet day and we learnt from Digiduck how to be safe on our computers and iPads. The children then made their own Digiduck and friend masks.
We have been learning all about the stories ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? and Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you hear?’ We have learnt about different types of bears and their habitats. The children also became illustrators and authors as they created their own versions of ‘Brown Bear’, changing the animals and the titles.
In Maths we have been learning about ordering the sizes of bears. The children have also been making shapes using elastic bands.
For Caritas the children learnt that God wants us all to be happy. They spoke about what makes them happy and then drew what makes them happy. We also learnt about making right and wrong choices, we spoke about how we can all make wrong choices and that is ok, as long as we say sorry. We also showed how we can make good choices.
We have also learnt about looking after our mental health. The children enjoyed doing some calm cosmic kids yoga to help keep our minds relaxed. We learnt that our mental health is just as important as our physical health.