The children ended their ‘Superhero’ theme with a week talking about real superheroes and people who help us. We have been lucky to have had visits last week from family members who have ‘superpowers’: an illustrator grandmother and an eye doctor mum. This week we welcomed one of our mums who is a surgeon!
We have had lots of inspiration for discussions about what superpowers we want to work on, and what occupations we might like to do when we grow up. As part of our ‘Switched on Science’ learning we discussed ‘pets and vets’. First we talked about the pets we have at home, and how we take care of it. We learnt what an animal is, what it needs, and what is involved in looking after one.
Our ‘CARITAS’ focus this half term was ‘Solidarity and Peace’. We explored what peace is, and what makes us peaceful. We learnt to say ‘peace’ in different languages, made peaceful small world scenes, and dressed up as people who help us find or keep the peace.
On Wednesday we had our very own ‘Superhero day’. We got to dress up as our favourite superheroes – real or imaginary. We made up stories based on our characters, acted them out and made our own superhero books. There were superhero games, songs, dances and costumes to make – a super spectacular way to end to the term!