Pearl Class did a wonderful job of settling back into their new term, and have been immersing themselves wholeheartedly into their new theme: ‘Adventures Under the Sea’. On Monday morning they arrived to find their role play area transformed into an underwater sea-world – and they have been enthusiastically creating their own imaginative stories in their ‘Pearl Pirate Paradise’.
We have begun to talk about the many sea creatures that are in our key text: ‘Commotion in the Ocean’; and we have used them in our maths lessons. We counted the fish that we caught and then used words like ‘more’ or ‘fewer’ to compare the amounts.
We have been exploring the changes in our outdoor environment, and as well as observing buds and blossom; we were super excited to find some tadpoles in the school pond – which we brought back to our classroom to investigate, draw and talk about.
We have also continued our learning about the Easter story. We discussed ‘The Ascension’ and acted out that part of the scripture story with costumes and props. We also represented clouds in a variety of ways – using arts and crafts materials and even shaving foam!