Nursery were very excited to have our very first nature lesson with our environmental teacher, Ms Ioannou. The children were first taught how to put on their gardening gloves. They practised making a hole with a trowel and learnt how to plant bluebells (with the pointy bit facing up).
Our key text this week was ‘Za-Za’s Baby Brother,’ and we have enjoyed talking about our own siblings, as well as acting out parts of the story.
Za-Za the zebra’s stripes led to an investigation about pattern. In our maths activities we described some different patterns and sorted some objects that we had collected with spots or stripes.
We added stripes to our Za-Za zebra collages, and made some black zebra stripes and zig-zags from playdough.
We used stripes to practise our scissor skills, and even created edible stripes when making our iced zebra biscuits.
We have also had our first introduction to the ‘Zones of Regulation’ that is used throughout the school. We have learnt that we can relate our feelings to 4 colours, and we discussed what those feelings might look like. We learnt that the best colour for our wellbeing and readiness to learn at school is green. We had some fantastic ideas about things we could do to help us ‘get back to green’ if we are feeling unsettled. We ended by practised some strategies – such as yoga, deep breathing and using our words.