Nursery marked the beginning of Lent in a number of ways. During our R.E lesson we made purple leaves and collages; and created with purple playdough and paint.
We then took part in some exciting Shrove Tuesday activities. We enjoyed choosing toppings for our own pancakes – and we definitely enjoyed eating them!. We practised our cutting skills when making pancake faces. We talked about the origins of Shrove Tuesday and why we have pancakes: as a way of eating up all the rich food at home we might give up for Lent the next day.
On Ash Wednesday our R.E table and display had changed to purple! We explained today is the first day of Lent and purple is the colour of Lent. The school Chaplains came to visit us. They brought holy ash from the palm crosses of last Easter. They put a special cross on our forehead with ash. They then said a special blessing to help us feel closer to Jesus, and mark the first day of Lent.
Thursday was World Book Day. We dressed up as a word, and had lots of fun guessing what the different words were. We took part in lots of book related activities. The highlight of the day was having a visit from Year 5 before lunch. We had a very special time with our reading buddies, who read us our favourite stories.
Our story this week was ‘The Enormous Turnip’. We were initially mystified about what this big vegetable was! So we cooked it and talked about our reactions to the taste and texture.
We acted out the story on the small world table. The children did a fantastic job of drawing or painting turnips. They made some lovely turnips with playdough. The farmer also asked us to count the turnips that were buried in our maths lessons.