Nursery have had a busy week learning about birthdays. We have been thinking about different ways we can draw or paint Maisy Mouse.
We have been making birthday cakes with craft and playdough materials and adding the correct amount of candles for our age.
We have been using our imagination to make up birthday stories and have been using small world resources to act out the nursery rhyme ‘Jack and Jill’.
In maths we have been exploring 2 part repeating patterns. We used colours, objects and movements. We made necklaces and paper chains to practise extending patterns.
On Friday we did a science session called ‘Mud, glorious mud!’ We talked about mud, where it comes from and what it might be made of. We investigated what happens when we add different things to soil, and predicted whether mud or sand is best for making castles. We found sand was the winner. We learnt why pigs and hippos like to roll in mud and had lots of fun painting brown pictures with it!