Year 5 has been very excited this week, to be witnessing history in the making. We have been learning all about King Charles III’s life, creating fact files detailing his life up until now and…
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Year 3: Coronation Picnic
Today Year 3 enjoyed a wonderful picnic to mark the upcoming coronation of King Charles III We had many wonderful costumes on display to mark such a special occasion. The coronation of Charles III and…
Read MoreYear 2: Coronation Celebrations
What a wonderful day we have had in Year 2! This morning, the children wrote letters to King Charles III wishing him all the best for his coronation tomorrow in Westminster Abbey. Yesterday, they discussed…
Read MoreMicro:bits – coding in action!
Students in Computing Club have learned how to program and use Micro:bits. The BBC micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer that introduces you to how software and hardware work together. It has an LED light…
Read MoreWorld Password Day. Shall I guess your password?
Each year on the first Thursday in May, World Password Day promotes better password habits. Passwords are critical gatekeepers to our digital identities, allowing us to access online shopping, dating, banking, social media, private work,…
Read MoreYear 5: Fun with Coding and Ukuleles
Blink and you’d miss it! This packed week in Year 5 went by in a flash. We had an amazing opportunity to take part in a coding workshop with the Institute of Imagination. Everyone got…
Read MoreReception: Food Glorious Food
This half term Reception are learning all about food, including how fruits and vegetables grow, how different food such as bread is made and trying lots of new foods. This week we wrote a shopping…
Read MoreYear 4: Making predictions!
This week Year 4 were introduced to their focus text for their writing unit; ‘The Lost Happy Endings’. This involved a session on making predictions. The children were given the last lines of various fairytales…
Read MoreNursery: Festivals and Sea Learning
Nursery have had a wonderful week experiencing more adventures under the sea. The children came in on Monday to discover a gigantic fish tail in their classroom! Many of them suggested it might belong to…
Read MoreYear 6: Final week of April
Year 6 made the most of the good weather this week; we used the weather as an opportunity to take our Maths lesson outside. We created a treasure trail of Maths questions where the children…
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