This week in Science, Year 2 carried out an investigation on germs. The children were given bowls with water which had pepper sprinkled on top – this represented germs that live on our hands and…
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Nursery’s Family Fun
This week the children have been listening to stories about brothers and sisters. We read our key text, ‘Za-za’s baby brother’ and shared photos of our siblings. We talked about babies, and how we need…
Read MoreYear 4: Violinists in the making!
This week in Year 4 we have continued our violin lessons learning about beat and rhythm. We have begun to establish different finger positions and notes on the violin, we learned what the word ‘pizzicato’…
Read MoreYear 3: A week that ‘rocked’
This week the children have been diving further into their learning all about rocks. We have been trying to master the new challenging vocabulary ‘igneous’, ‘sedimentary’, and ‘metamorphic’. The children did a great job categorising…
Read MoreYear 1: Phonics Workshop and R.E.
This week, Year One would like to say a big thank you to all of the parents/carers who could join us for our Phonics Workshop this week. Year One were so excited to welcome parents…
Read MoreYear 5: A visit from Sister Anne
This week, year 5 were really lucky and had a visit from Sister Anne. She came and helped them in their lesson in which they were learning all about the Old Testament. Within the lesson,…
Read MoreYear 6: Author Visit
This week, the pupils had the privilege of being visited by Katie & Kevin Tsang. The children were incredibly excited to talk to the co-authors of the ‘bestselling’ Dragon Realm series books. The pupils engaged…
Read MoreWe are delighted with the progress that has been made to our new playground surfacing. The area has been opened up and Phase 1 of 2 is complete. The children are so excited to be…
Read MoreNursery Explore their Environment
Pearl class had some exciting new experiences to enjoy this week. On Monday we went to the library for the first time and met our librarian, Mrs Rooney. We listened to a story and then…
Read MoreLittle Gems- Continuing our All About Me theme
This week in Little Gems we have continued to look at our theme ‘All About Me.’ The children looked in a mirror and then chose the paints they wanted to created their own self- portraits….
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