Pearl class have been exploring sounds this week, as part of this term’s science topic: ‘Sound collectors’. We have been listening carefully to sounds all over our environment. We listened to the sounds of nature,…
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Computing in Year 1
Year 1 students are very excited to use our learning platform called Busy Things. BusyThings combines fun and laughter with the highest quality of curriculum-linked content. This week children will get their QR logins that…
Read MoreWhat beautiful weather we had for After School Club last week and the children made the most of it by spending time outside riding the bikes, playing tag, football and table tennis. In the upper…
Read MoreReception: A week full of visitors
Reception has had a very busy week of lots of visitors who have come to tell the children all about their jobs and how they help us. Firstly we welcomed the Kentish Town Fire Brigade…
Read MoreYear One: Busy, Busy, Busy!
Wow! What a busy week in Year One! In our science lesson this week, we have been exploring our senses with the focus on our ears and listening. We went outside on a listening walk…
Read MoreYear 2: Our Wonderful World!
This half-term in Geography, Year 2 have been learning about ‘Our Wonderful World’. The children also created some wonderful projects at home and brought their work into school to go on display. We had fact…
Read MoreYear 3 Celtic harmony
On Thursday, our year 3’s had the pleasure to attend Celtic Harmony. this trip linked into our History topic this term of the ‘Stone age’. On the day we went back in time and learnt…
Read MoreYear 5 – Stargazers
This week, Year 5 were incredibly lucky to be invited down to Archway to participate in some space activities. They were able to take part in an exciting art session and either created their own…
Read MoreYear 6: Week 5
As the dust settles from our residential trip, the pupils came back ready to learn. All will not be forgotten, however, as in English, we have started writing a recount of our highlights from the…
Read MoreIslington Year 5/6 Girls Football Finals
The Islington Year 5/6 Girls Football Finals took place today. After a qualifying convincingly a few days before, our girls were up against the top 8 schools in the borough. Against the best they played…
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