This week, in Religion, the pupils read scripture from Exodus regarding the Sinai Covenant & the Ten Commandments. We had a wonderful discussion regarding how the current UK law shows footprints of the Ten Commandments….
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Your child has signed this!
We ask all children, young people, and adults involved in the life of St Joseph’s School to sign an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), which is a document that outlines how we expect them to behave…
Read MoreYear 3’s week in Music and Maths!!
Here are the Year 3’s during their music lessons with Miss Marshall. Mr Woodhouse and Miss Duffy have been impressed with the attitude and the behaviour of the Year 3s. We are surrounded by future…
Read MoreReception: Wonderful Week 6
This week Reception have continued learning about who helps us in our community. Our focus this week was on medical staff who help us. We discussed how doctors help us by keeping us fit and…
Read MoreYear 4: Caritas – Care of Creation!
This week in Year 4 we began our first Caritas in Action lesson with the theme of: Care of Creation. We delved into what it means to be a stewardship of our world and what…
Read MoreYear One: Marvellous Maths and Sensational Science!
Another fantastic week of fun-filled learning in Year One! Well done to Amber Class who have won the Maths trophy this week for most activity on Numbots! It is fantastic that so many children in…
Read MoreYear 5: A visit from Father George
This week has been an incredibly busy week for Year 5 with lots of different things going on, but one of the most special was a visit from Father George. Father George came to visit…
Read MoreYear 6: Week 6
This week, the pupils have had a variety of different tasks that they have worked incredibly hard on. In English, the pupils continued with their vehicle text of Hansel & Gretel by Neil Gaiman and…
Read MoreYear 2: Liturgies of the Word
This week, both Year 2 classes celebrated their Liturgies of the Word with Father George. Well done to everyone for reading their lines with confidence! Some children even learned them off by heart which was…
Read MoreLittle Gems-Caritas-Care of Creation
This week in Nursery we have been learning all about taking care of God’s creation. We talked about how we all need to look after our world. We went on a walk and looked at…
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