As part of our STEM learning our school received two Fable robots that can be used for and by our students! Fable Explore comes with a Fable Joint module that gives the functionality of an…
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Book Fair
Celebrate Reading at our Book Fair! Reading for pleasure is transformative for children’s academic success and wellbeing. We are hosting a Book Fair to bring books to the heart of our school. There will be…
BOOK FAIR COMING SOON!! HELP earn free books for your school. Remember every book you buy means we get a book for our library. Arriving Thursday 2nd November Leaving Thursday 9th November 2023 In New…
Read MoreReception Welcome Liturgy
Reception ended their first half term with a wonderful Welcome Liturgy. It was a wonderful occasion shared with Father George who officially welcomed each of the children in our St Joseph’s Family. The children each…
Read MoreYear 4: Computing lesson. Adding your own content.
This week, in Computing the pupils learned what are the advantages and disadvantages of adding your own content. We had a fantastic discussion about the positive aspects of being able to share and communicate through…
Read MoreYear One: Sensory Bottles!
As we have reached the end of our Science topic, Year One have used all of their knowledge and learning to create Sensory Bottles. Year One had to create a Sensory Bottle that targeted…
Read MoreYear 5: Brilliant Week 7!
Another brilliant week in 5. For starters, Year 5 were really lucky to have some UCL Chemistry students come in and talk to them all about Air Pollution in their local area. Year 5 helped…
Read MoreOur Perfect Pets in After School Club
This week the children enjoyed the renovated area in the lower juniors playground, sitting chatting in the refurbished gazebo and playing football and tennis on the new grounds. We have entered a national After School…
Read MoreLittle Gems- Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes
This week in Little Gems we have been reading the story Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes. After reading the story we looked at what other features we have on our bodies. The children…
Read MoreYear 2: Addition and Subtraction
In Mathematics this week, the Year 2 children explored addition and subtraction using dienes . They used the apparatus to build numbers and add them together. Pupils were also able to build larger numbers and…
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