Nursery did a wonderful job of settling back in after the half term break, and have already been discussing their new theme: ‘Growing up!’ We had lots of fun looking after our babies in…
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Year 2 Road Safety Assembly
Year 1 and 2 were treated to an informative, fun and exciting presentation about road safety this morning! They learnt all about how to cross the road safely, ride their bikes and scooters near roads…
Read MoreYear 4: Anointing of the Sick
This week, Father George visited both classes to discuss one of our upcoming lessons on ‘Anointing of the Sick’. Father George shared many beautiful stories of how he has helped people in our parish. It…
Read MoreYear 5: Music and CAFOD
For the past few weeks, Year 5 have become avid music historians. They have learned about three composers from the Romantic Era: Amy Beach, Clara Schumann, and Fanny Mendelssohn. After a few lessons of diligent…
Read MoreYear One: Hermelin and Road Safety.
Year One have done fantastic work this week! We have come back from our break refreshed and ready for the term ahead! This week in Year One we were excited to start our new focus…
Read MorePerforming miracles in Year 3!
Year 3 has had an exciting first week back. They have become thespians, devising roleplays about Jesus’ miracles in the Gospels, which they performed in front of their class. Additionally, they attended an assembly about…
Read MoreYear 6: CAFOD
This week, our Year 6 pupils were invited to a very special assembly, led by Sister Anne. The topic of the assembly was CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) and CST (Catholic Social Teaching). CAFOD…
Read MoreLittle Gems- Our New Theme
This week in Little Gems we began our new theme ‘Colours.’ We started by listening to the story ‘Elmer’ looking and identifying the colours. The children explored colours using shredded paper, thoroughly enjoying throwing the paper…
Read MoreYear 5: Poetry Perfection!
Congratulations to all students for completing term one of Spring. It is now time for a well-deserved rest. As always, we had a busy end to the term with many events taking place. Earlier in…
Read MoreYear 4: Prayer Service, Volcanoes, VR Headsets and Poetry!
A busy week to end this half term in Year 4! We began our week with a harmonious Prayer Service, the children read beautiful and thought-provoking prayers. The Prayer Service focused on the theme of…
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