The Year 6s had a visit from Guy Tallentire, a geographer at Loughborough University who uses lots of maths in his studies. He spends time in Svalbard, well inside the Arctic Circle, where he measures…
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Year 5 – A trip to the British Museum!
Year 5 had a wonderful time visiting the British Museum and the Sutton-Hoo exhibition. It was amazing to see some of the original items that had been excavated from the Sutton-Hoo burial ground including the…
Read MoreAnother incredible week in Reception!
This week the children of Red and Ruby class continued to build on their subitizing skills! Here you can see them representing 6 in different ways, they have also worked on 7 and 8 this…
Read MoreYear 2: Exploring Our Local Environment – Waterlow Park
In our Science topic, we have been learning about ‘Our Local Environment’ so today we went on a short trip across the road to Waterlow Park. We used maps to help us navigate around the…
Read MoreYear 1 Health and Safety
The children in year one had an informative visit this week from the NHS regarding hygiene and handwashing. The children got to see their own germs on their hands! We also went on a minibeast…
Read MoreYear 3: Thank You!
Year 3 would like to extend our thanks to the parents and carers, for the amazing games and books gifted to year 3. We are so appreciative of these gifts which will help to facilitate…
Read MoreExecutive Headteacher 3rd February 2022
Dear Parents, We are almost at the half term break. Time is flying by! We have had a challenging month with significant staff absences due to Covid but I must take this opportunity to say…
Read MoreNursery Billy Goat fun!
This week we read ‘The 3 Billy Goats Gruff’. We had lots of fun acting out the story with masks, instruments and small world figures. We took turns to roll a dice and collect amounts…
Read MoreYear 3: Weather and Climate Assembly
Good Morning Everyone, Here is our ‘Weather and Climate’ assembly. Get the popcorn ready. Enjoy!! Miss Jennings
Read MoreYear 2 – Thank you!!
Year 2 would like to say an enormous thank you to our generous and thoughtful parents and carers! We were blown away with the gifts we received from our amazon wish list and we will…
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