As ever, we have been very busy in Reception learning lots of new sounds. We have consolidated our knowledge of our new ai and ee digraphs by making and labelling our own snails and writing our own letters to the queen (requesting new toys amongst other things!)
In Maths, we have continued our learning around patterns before moving on to exploring our numbers 11-20, and different ways to represent them. We realised that we could show numbers like 11 or 12 using counters on not one, but two, tens frames, as well as with interlocking cubes or loose objects.
We have continued our learning around ‘Down on the Farm’ by reading ‘Handa’s Surprise’ and thinking about the differences between the fruit in this story and what we might see growing in the UK. We had a think about why bananas might not grow in England- because, unfortunately, our weather is usually too cold! We have also connected this to our growing understanding of healthy eating, concluding all of this week’s wonderful learning by making our very own fruit kebabs in repeating patterns, much enjoyed by the children!