Today marks the end of another super week of online learning by Year Four.
From researching the latest rover to land on Mars to creating art from natural outdoor resources, we have been amazed at each child’s continued effort this week. As we get ready for our return to school on our zoom calls, the excitement is building! We can’t wait!!
In Maths, the children continued their lesson sequence on fractions, looking at equivalent fractions and counting in tenths. In English lessons, our focus remained on our class reader ‘Varjak Paw’ as well as the features and structure of narrative texts.
We look forward to our final week of online learning before returning to school to catch up with each other again! Well done to this week’s Stars of the Week for their excellent persistence and hard work.
Blue Class: Albie & Elliana
Sapphire Class: Eric & Tafari
Have a lovely weekend, year four!
See you all on Monday
Mr Prescott & Miss Doherty