This week in reception we were super excited to show our families our maths learning. We showed them our super counting, number recognition, adding and many more math skills I bet you didn’t know we had. Thank you to all the mummies, daddies and even aunties and grandmas who came! We loved having you in class and showing off our knowledge.
As always it was a busy week as we also made yummy heart shaped biscuits for our ‘make your money grow’ day. The biscuits were a real hit and we will let you know how much we made once the money has been counted (we left the last biscuit bags in after school club so hoping we had some more customers after hours).
As always thank you for all your support and help with all that we do. The children have had a great learning filled half term and are all feeling very proud of how much they have learnt.
Pour homework this half term is to make a model of any transport the children choose in preparation for our upcoming topic … Transport! Please continue consolidating skills by practising writing, counting, being creative and having lots of talk at home. We look forward to seeing you back on 20th for the second half of super spring. Have. A lovely half term.