It has been another wonderful week in Reception, full of fun and surprises as we head towards the end of term. On Tuesday, we all enjoyed a visit to the fair organised by our wonderful PTA, where we were able to play lots of games, jump on a bouncy castle and even sponge one of our EYFS teachers, Miss Greene! As a special treat, we also received some delicious pizza and ice cream to eat. The fun didn’t stop there, as we have also enjoyed some wonderful end of term parties organised by our class teachers and TAs on Thursday and Friday this week, playing plenty of traditional party games and enjoying some yummy snacks too.
However, all this fun has not kept us from continuing to demonstrate some fantastic learning in Phonics, where we enjoyed imagining we were stranded on a desert island and writing our own pleas for help! We have also been challenging ourselves to build our Mathematical understanding through spatial reasoning challenges. We have made our own obstacle courses in our outdoor area and drawn maps of these, as well as drawing maps of the journeys within some of our favourite stories, such as ‘Red Riding Hood’ and ‘Handa’s Surprise.’ We have even had a go at designing our own Lego mazes and seeing whether we can help small teddy bears escape them!
In RE, we have read the story of ‘The Good Samaritan’ and explored the importance of kindness. We tried using unkind hands and unkind words towards an apple, and saw that it was bruised and damaged inside. From this, we understood that even if we might not be able to see that we have hurt someone, if we are not kind we could be causing them pain inside. This led us to reflect on lots of ways we can show kindness towards our friends to ensure that we all stay safe and happy at school, and particularly now that we are almost grown-up enough to go into Year 1!