This week in Reception, we have been enjoying our learning around ‘The Three Little Pigs.’ On Monday morning we came into school and realised we had had another visitor in our classrooms- this time, the Big Bad Wolf! Not only had he left muddy footprints everywhere; he had also left our reading books on the floor, tipped over some of our chairs, and left lots of our resources in the wrong places. It wasn’t long until we found a letter the Big Bad Wolf had left behind, asking if we could make our very own story maps to retell his story, and let everybody else at St Joseph’s know to watch out for him. Some of us also made ‘story strips’ with sensory materials including real straw and sticks! We did such a fantastic job of making our story maps, that later in the week we were able to experiment with ways of changing the story with new characters and settings. We read ‘The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig’ by Eugene Trivizias to show us how to do this, and talked about some of our brilliant ideas- the ‘Three Little Unicorns’ and the ‘Big Bad Shark’ were a few favourites!
We have also used ‘The Three Little Pigs’ to support our learning in Understanding the World. We tried building houses of straw, sticks and bricks, using fans to huff and puff like the wolf and see which materials were strongest. We thought about what we could do to make our houses even stronger, such as using tape or glue to secure them.
In Maths, we have continued our learning around the numbers 1, 2 and 3. We have all had a go at recognising these numbers written down, making the correct number of ‘balls’ with our playdough, and putting them into order- 1, 2, 3. We have talked about how we can show these numbers in lots of different ways- e.g. with dots we can draw on our whiteboards or on a page.
Today, we have explored Black History Month by reading ‘Handa’s Noisy Night’ and talking about all the sounds near Handa’s home which are different to ours in London. We decorated our own African necklaces and really enjoyed wearing them in school as we celebrated completing our first half term in Ruby and Red class!
We hope that everybody has a lovely and restful half term, and we look forward to seeing you all on our return to school in November.