This week in Year 5 we’ve become all Christmassy and merry. In the lead up to Advent and Christmas the children had a day off timetable to help us to get the school area and the class doors decorated and looking like our very own Christmas wonder land.
In English the children have been publishing their very own newspaper reports! Following on from the prior learning the children have been able to unpick the features of a newspaper and incorporate them into their own work. We now have 60 fantastic articles telling us all about the USA election results. We have to say… they are good! In depth, interesting and very high level! Enough to rival any of the mainstream newspaper articles that’s for sure.
In Science the children conducted another experiment! This time they made their own parachutes out of plastic bags, paper clips and string. The children were altering an independent variable to measure a dependent variable (how long it took the parachute to travel to the ground). Once the results were in the children analysed and then noted down their observations. Science sure is fun!