This week we learnt all about Ireland! We watched and tried to learn some Irish dancing, as well as creating shamrock sun catchers which looks absolutely beautiful in our window. We used an information text to look at pictures of significant places in Ireland and even had our ‘expert’ Irish children share their knowledge of Ireland. In maths we explored the 2D shapes rectangles, triangles, squares and circles! We made shape playdough, built pictures with the shapes, noticed them in our environment and even had fun playing with a ‘shape car park’. In Pearl class, four butterflies emerged on Friday. There was a lot of excitement and we are ready to watch them get stronger before letting them free next week. Fingers crossed for some butterflies in White class soon. In religion, our topic of ‘Friends!’ is helping us not only build our friendship with Jesus but also in our every day lives at school. We created a friendship flower with our hands as a symbol of remembering to be kind, be loving, be gentle, be happy and to forgive.