This week, Year 2 have been working extremely hard at home, completing a range of tasks on a wide range of subjects!
Our English focus this week has been all about character descriptions. Having learned the features of a character description earlier in the week, our children wrote fantastic character descriptions of Hamlet, the White Elephant from our class reader.
It has been all about rotation this week in Maths as we continue to plough through our topic ‘Face, Shape and Patterns’. The children have made predictions about rotations, as well as following maps and even drawing their own rotations! Great job!
With airlines struggling to fill their planes at the moment, Year 2 saved the day when they travelled to India on Wednesday – first class! On the long, yet extremely comfortable journey, our children identified the countries that border India, as well as the oceans that surround it. Once we had landed, we explored India’s largest cities. Unfortunately, we didn’t have time to try any of India’s delicacies, but we heard they are Dehli-cious!
Having caught the next flight back to Heathrow, it was time to appreciate God’s creation – plants! The children learned about what plants need to grow and to stay healthy, and how the removal of any one of these basic needs can have catastrophic results. It was great to see that so many children explored their gardens and local parks to see how plants and trees function first hand. Well done! It has been another productive week of home learning in Year 2. We really are so proud of how hard you are all working!