This week we have been continuing our ‘All about me’ topic by exploring the book ‘Owl Babies’. We used this as a starting point to discuss our own family relationship attachments and how it feels when we are together and apart. This proved to be really popular bringing in lots of cross curricular learning and all the children were keen to roleplay parts of the story, count owl eggs, move their bodies like owls, write using tiny owl feathers and build their own owl nest from clay and other natural materials.
In addition for our RE topic of ‘Welcome’ and with the help of all the wonderful photographs you sent in, we talked about what it means to welcome a new baby into the family and our own experiences of being a baby. We discussed how the church welcomes a baby through baptism and next week we are looking forward to roleplaying this further.
We also met our Horticulture Teacher Miss Sophia who taught us how to grow our own Daffodils!
A busy and fun week!
Have a wonderful weekend one and all.
Warm regards,
Mr Jeans and Miss Miller