During our Caritas in Action, Mission Day, the children have been thinking all about their special gift they have to give to the world. We started our day with a quote from Pope Francis from one of his speeches to young people around the world. The children discussed what their hopes and dreams are for the future, how they can achieve them and what they want the Pope to do to help them.
For their homework the children interviewed different members of their family about what their dreams were when they were born and what they want them to be when they grow up. The children then interviewed each other about their dreams for the future, and what they need to achieve them!
We wrote letters (and tweeted) the Pope, sharing our hopes and dreams and what they expect from the Pope as young people.
We’ve created our pathway to our dreams, thinking about all the skills and attributes we need to reach our dream jobs. Do we need to go to university? Do we need to be good at public speaking? Do we have to be able to think fast and make decisions?
In the afternoon, we thought about what everybody’s special gifts are and shared them with each other.
To finish the day, each group had a jigsaw to complete…but sadly there was one piece missing!
Ask your children over the weekend about the missing piece!