Our dragonologists this week have been sharing their reports on a secret dragon, who hides in the parks and gardens of Highgate…The Highgate Ridgeback!
Ask your children this weekend, how you might spot them and what we can do to save them. They might have a greater interest in your vegetable peelings than normal…
As part of our writing topic, we have been looking at the fabulous text: “Dragonology”. We have used Alan Peat’s story maps, to rehearse new vocabulary and sentence structure, and have been VERY impressed with the creativity and memory of all the children! We will be using our story maps to help us when writing our own non-chronological reports.
See below for some story map examples:
In Science, as part of our Living things and their habitats topic, we explored the school grounds to see which animals and plants we could find!
In Religion, we explored our new topic “Loving” (Domestic church- family). The children eloquently discussed what unconditional love means to them, and created their own beautiful artworks.
As an introduction to our topic “Rule Britannia“, we have been enjoying our new class reader “Viking Boy” and created a collaged background for our Viking Longboat artwork.
In Maths this week, we have continued to explore Place Value up to 1,000,000 with a focus on rounding to the nearest 10; 100; 1,000; 10,000; 100,000 and 1,000,000. Don’t forget to complete your daily 10 minutes of Doodle Maths to help recap all our Maths topics!
In SPaG this week we have explored co-ordinating and sub-ordinating conjunctions, and our spelling rule this week was “Turning -ant adjectives into nouns“.
On Monday, we celebrated Roald Dahl day and in our reading lessons this week we have been inspired by his experiences and poetry.