We have been busy celebrating Easter in Reception through many of different activities this week. The children have enjoyed being creative and using their fine motor skills to decorate Easter eggs and make Easter baskets. Many of the children drew a map for the Easter Bunny to ensure that he would be able to find their houses with lots of chocolate eggs on Easter Sunday. They were able to explore an Easter sensory garden, counting chickens and eggs whilst role playing with their friends. On Thursday, we followed a recipe to make a chocolate Easter nest. The children talked about solids and liquids and observed the differences in the chocolate after it had been in the microwave. They definitely enjoyed eating them! We even had a special visit from Easter Bunny who cheekily tried to eat the Easter nests in Red class.
*During the holidays, it would be a great time to practise tying shoe laces and buttoning buttons as we will be having a special ‘laces and buttons’ day during the summer term.*
Have a happy and safe Easter holiday and we look forward to seeing you after the break!