Year 5 students had a fantastic trip to the British Museum last week. Since attending this trip, students’ curiosity in all things Anglo-Saxon have been reignited. We have noticed incredible engagement during History lessons which…
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Technology at St Joseph’s School
St Joseph’s School has become a Centre of Excellence for Robotics, and we are extremely proud of all the physical coding lessons and clubs that are taking place in our school. Please take a moment…
Read MoreMeet Picoh – our new robots at St Josephs!
We are delighted to share some excellent news: our school has been offered new robots called Picoh. We will be able to utilise them over the next three months, providing additional opportunities for our students…
Read MoreYear 5 – British Museum Day Trip
Year 5 students had a fantastic trip to the British Museum. We travelled on the tube to Tottenham Court Road Station and then walked to the Museum. Students were incredibly engaged as they explored around…
Read MoreYear 5: Three Discovery Workshop
Year 5 were very lucky to be visited by the Three Discovery team who ran a workshop on creating and editing videos on the iPad with the app iMovie. Students worked in groups to create…
Read MoreYear 5 – Ten Commandments
In Religion this week, Year 5 students have been learning about the importance of the covenants made between God and his people. We have discussed the significance of God’s covenant with Moses and the events…
Read MoreYear 5: Current Affair Topic – Fake News
During our History lesson this week, the students learnt about the Staffordshire Hoard and researched some of the individual artefacts that were discovered by archaeologist. Students learnt that the Staffordshire Hoard is the largest collection…
Read MoreYear 5 – Galileo Galilei
In Science, students learnt about the famous experiment conducted by Galileo Galilei. He dropped a heavy weight and a light weight from the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa to show that both weights…
Read MoreYear 5 – The Very Exciting Anglo-Saxons
Everyone has been really excited to start their new History unit on the Anglo-Saxons. Year 5 looked at who the Anglo-Saxons were and why they decided to settle in Britain. They used the school timeline…
Read MoreYear 5: Fantastic Start to the New Academic Year
Busy! Busy! Busy! Three words to summarise our first week back. Year 5 students have settled quickly into their new classes and should be proud of the work they have accomplished this week. We have…
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