What a busy (but great) week we have had in year 4. On Tuesday we enjoyed celebrating Shrove Tuesday and having our Pancake races. On Thursday we had a super day celebrating World Book Day….
Read MoreYear 4
Blue Class’ Mass
This week Blue class had a celebration in our classroom. We celebrated mass with Father Pat and some of our parents. Well done Blue class for super reading, singing and behaviour. Thank you to the…
Read MoreFraction crazy year 4!
We have had a great week filled with fractions and fractions and more fractions. Everyone is doing so well and enjoying learning (such a tricky part of Maths). We enjoyed writing our super myths this…
Read MoreOrchestra and Choir Christmas Concert 2018
Our Christingle Celebration!
We hope you enjoyed our beautiful celebration. The children were so confident and despite the technical difficulties, the show went on and they sang beautifully. Thank you to everyone who came and thank you for…
Read MorePreparing for Christingle
It’s been an exciting week for Year 4. The week has been taken up with the hard work of all the children preparing for our Chris-tingle Celebration next Tuesday. The lower key stage 2 party…
Read MoreA Mythical Week
This week in English we began learning about Roman Myths. The children have produced some outstanding work using figurative language. Well done year 4, keep it up. On Wednesday afternoon we walked down to the…
Read MoreThe Terrifying Tudor Assembly
Well done Blue class! You were absolutely fantastic. Thank you parents for your help with learning lines, providing costumes and just for moral support. Enjoy watching our brilliant Blues.
Read MoreOur Spring bulbs have been planted
As always it has been a learning-filled, busy week in year 4. We enjoyed planting our tulip bulbs with Sofia on Wednesday. Remember to keep them in a dark place and water them often. Blue…
Read MoreTimestable-tastic
This week we really have been putting our timetable knowledge to the test. We have learning about factors and products. Please continue to practise all your time stables at home as we need to know…
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