Year 2 had a lovely day out at Kew Gardens today to celebrate finishing their current Science topic ‘Young Gardeners’. The children were able to use their knowledge of flowers to identify the parts of…
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Year 2: Our Wonderful World
This half-term in Geography, Year 2 have been learning all about the world. They have learned about the oceans, continents and have even compared aspects of human and physical geography such as landmarks and weather…
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In Geography, Year 2 have been learning about the similarities and differences between the UK and Ecudaor. This week, the children found out what a landmark is and discovered many new landmarks in both countries….
Read MoreDiamond Class Assembly
This morning, Diamond class performed an assembly all about ‘Our Wonderful World’. The children sang beautifully and read their lines clearly and confidently. They also prepared some lovely artwork and taught parents how to speak…
Read MoreYear 2: Big Schools’ Birdwatch 2023
Last week, Year 2 took part in the Big Schools’ Birdwatch. It is a simple bird survey for pupils around the UK to take part in and enjoy together. The children had fun counting the…
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This week in English, Year 2 have been hard at work. On Monday they identified noun phrases, contractions and time adverbials in ‘The Bog Baby’. They then recapped the four sentence types before writing commands…
Read MoreYear 2: A big thank you to our wonderful parents!
Year 2 received a special delivery from the school office this week… Amazon Christmas wish list items! The children were very excited to see what was hiding inside the various boxes. We are very lucky…
Read MoreYear 2: Welcome Back!
We started off the new term in Year 2 by taking some to remember Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI who passed away on 31st December 2022. We watched some clips of his funeral which took place…
Read MoreYear 2 Christmas Performance: Lights, Camel, Action!!!
Earlier this week, our Year 2 children all got on stage to act out a spectacular Strictly Come Dancing themed Christmas Nativity called ‘Lights, Camel, Action!!!’. The children have worked incredibly hard over the past…
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The children had lots of fun in the snow this week! Before going outside, we all wrapped up nice and warm by putting on our coats, hats, scarves and gloves. The children had snowball fights,…
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